Email marketing is one of the most effective tactics for driving sales, but don't take our word for it. According to a study by ExactTarget, 77% of consumers prefer to receive permission-based marketing communications through email.
Quality communication with your prospects and customers can get you closer to that nirvana of people actually looking forward to your message.
Where websites rely on you visiting them, email comes right to your inbox, and because of this it feels somehow more important and personal. Businesses everywhere know this, and so a relatively small but outperforming email marketing industry has grown.
email marketing provides the highest return on investment of any form of marketing
Every day, millions of businesses - from sole traders to multinationals - send email to their clients, subscribers, suppliers, and partners. Commercial email returned a whopping £43.62 for every pound spent on it in 2009, according to the Direct Marketing Association’s Power of Direct economic-impact study. With email marketing still providing the highest return on investment of any form of marketing, it’s safe to say that email will be around for a long time to come.
To get a glimpse of what we've done for our clients, please have a look at our email marketing portfolio. If you like what you see, contact us.
References: The DMA - The Direct Marketing Association
I love the email editor, it's really user friendly, and the reporting is the best I've seen, so I can easily keep track of how well my campaigns are going.
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